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Facelift vs Mini Facelift: Which is Best for You?

Posted March 09, 2016 in Practice News

Reno Facelift vs Mini Facelift: Which is Best?
It may not be as popular as others, but it’s a trend in plastic surgery that’s never really faded: Less is more. We see it in the rise of breast reduction surgery, or the number of people who go for breast lifts over breast augmentation.

The same can be said for facelifts and mini facelifts. Why go for the full, traditional procedure when you can instead have a little enhancement here and a little enhancement there?

The danger with this kind of thinking is that it leads to unrealistic expectations. When you choose one procedure over the other without adjusting your expectations, you’re sure to be unhappy with the results.

This is especially true for facial plastic surgery procedures, which require meticulous attention to detail. This leads us to some vital questions: What’s the difference between a facelift and mini facelift, and which procedure is best?


A facelift in Reno, NV usually involves incisions that run from the temple, down the front of the ears, and then up behind the ears. The skin in the middle and lower portions of the face is freed from the underlying tissue then pulled back. Any excess skin is trimmed away. Sometimes, the plastic surgeon will adjust or redistribute fat under the skin of the face.

A traditional facelift, when done by a Board-certified plastic surgeon, can smooth out wrinkles and fine lines, and lift sagging skin, resulting in a more youthful appearance.

Most patients recover from the surgery and return to their normal routine within two weeks following the procedure. Patients should avoid strenuous activity like heavy exercise and lifting for at least two weeks.

You may be a good candidate…
If you’re experiencing substantial skin laxity, heavy jowling, droopy neck, marionette lines, or deep nasolabial folds


A mini facelift in Reno involves small incisions made around the ears. This kind of procedure, which is also called the s-lift and weekend lift, corrects sagging skin and wrinkles on the lower third of the patient’s face.

Like the full facelift, this type of facial plastic surgery requires painstaking attention to detail and a certain amount of artistry. A mini lift can restore definition to the chin, as well as improve the cheek and brow area.

Generally, patients are up and about within 2 days following surgery, and back to work within 5 days. It’s advised, however, for patients to avoid strenuous activity for at least two weeks.

You may be a good candidate…
If you’re seeing early features of aging, like mild jowling, wrinkles, and some laxity in the cheeks

Based on these descriptions, we can see that the main differences between a facelift and a mini facelift are the size of the incisions involved and the amount of skin removed. There’s also the recovery period: Mini facelifts generally have shorter recovery and healing time.

The most important thing to consider when looking at your options for facial rejuvenation, however, is your plastic surgeon. A competent and experienced Board-certified plastic surgeon in Reno like Dr. LaDawn Talbott will explain each procedure and their benefits, take into account your health and your personal goals, and give expert recommendations.

Contact Talbott Plastic Surgery Center

Are you a candidate for a facelift or mini facelift in Reno? Would you like to learn more and explore your options? Contact Dr. LaDawn Talbott today and schedule your complimentary consultation.

Visit Talbott Plastic Surgery Center

5060 Meadowood Mall Circle Suite 200
Reno, NV 89502

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